Friday 23 August 2013

Mary Cassidy & Jon Lawless - Make It Do

Single review by

Countless times have we mentioned the perplexing situation that the lowest, most hideous forms of pop music are what sells when other artists who are also making pure pop of a very high standard barely get a look in. Behold the new single from Mary Cassidy & Jon Lawless, a perfect piece of pure pop music that should be omnipresent right now but will probably pass by with a little blog attention and not much else. We sincerely hope we're wrong. This song isn't going to go down as an all-time classic; it doesn't have that sort of shelf-life. It's made now and it's to be enjoyed now.

The duo have made music separately but show here that they work excellently together. Ticking electronic beats and casual synths lead us into a dreamy vocal and a summery melody. The song doesn't jump up and down and announce its presence, it floats past, waving gently and you smile as it does so. It's a thing of subtle beauty that both modern, brilliantly made and full of commercial appeal that will likely go unrealised. So spread the word; there is quality pop out there, and Mary Cassidy and Jon Lawless have proof.

Mary Cassidy's website

Buy the single

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